Saturday, June 27, 2009


And so we begin. Again.

New place, new start. The journey from R to C has been completed and the journey from C to I don't C where has just begun. The next set of posts will be about them, I guess, with frequent jaunts to R and beyond.

The settling in process is over now, meaning I'm no longer unsettled as I was initially. Lefty's great aphorism#23: leaving college for home doesn't really rattle you. It's when you leave home also and are in an unfamiliar habitat that you ask yourself- What am I doing with my life? You'll all see for yourselves when your time comes. Anyway, wise words over, I see that I'd probably like this place. It's full of overachievers obviously, but it's a decent bunch overall. There are 7 lakes which make the campus very different and mighty pleasant in the evenings. That's a welcome change from the hot humid afternoons that we have to bear.

The food in the mess is actually pretty good. Great relief considering that the schedule is so packed that going out as often as you please is a stern no-no. For all those of you who thought I was in Cal, think again. I'm on the very outskirts, at a place called Joka. Going to Cal is quite an ordeal. But yes, the place is still as brilliant as it was before. I had a recci prior to actually coming to the campus, and I discovered that heaven still exists in Tangra, there's a place called Flurie's where the confectionary is definitely something to write home about and that good times overall can be had outside of Joka.

The lifestyle is here is like that of any other college, except that students are far busier. But they still manage to enjoy themselves, and there's a lot of camaraderie and frolicking to be observed. We had our Fresher's Party the other night and heard the Joka song for the first time. It's a swinging melody, and suggests that people spend two happy years here and are quite sad when the time to part comes. I hope that two years down the line, I'm one of them too.

I'm a thousand miles away from R now. Away from the farmhouse, from WONA, from Lit, from Meta. I still can't bear to look at the pictures of those good times. My wallpaper is all I can manage for now. It's been almost a month now since I said my last goodbye, in a car piled with luggage, some 100 bucks in my wallet, meagre balance on my cell and a mind-vault full of priceless treasures. Yet, even now, despite the change in environment, people and schedule, Roorkee is just a fond memory away.

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